This year graduation will look a little different to past years due to the extra class and large cohort. This format was derived from student voice and has been approved. As you can imagine, it is impossible to accommodate so many parents and all of the amazing ideas, so we’re leaving it up to the kids, after all, it is their day! ?
The kids will have a full day celebration in the gym during the day where they’ll enjoy the 10 seconds of fame videos (more information to come shortly from classroom teachers), slideshows and speeches celebrating their achievements this year (the student graduation committee will organise these). We’ll be ordering them a special lunch and have music and games. They’ll have play times as normal and be dismissed at normal time. I will ensure that all of the videos and slideshows are available to families since they won’t be shown at the award ceremony due to the time constraints.
A Grade 6 student graduation committee has been formed and will take care of the planning of the day celebration as well as the planning of the night award ceremony. A parent committee has been organised to help the children see their vision come to life for the night ceremony.
A reminder as per previous years, PPS does not recommend hiring limousines and hiring cars for this event. They will not have access to school grounds on the night and as per all other vehicles, will only be able to access the school via the oval as per previous years.
Any questions please come and see me and I will be happy to run you through the process of how the day/night will be structured.
The grade 6 team are looking forward to celebrating your child’s final year of primary school!